Jijun Meng

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Jijun Meng

Title:Associate professor

Research Direction:

Department:Department of Physical Geography and Natural Resources


Education and experience

Ph.D.Physical Geography, 1999Peking University, China

Work Experience

2003 -Associate professor, Peking University

2002 - 2003Vice-director, Lanzhou City Planning and Land Resources Bureau

1999 - 2002Lecturer, Peking University

Fund Project

2002 - 2004  Driving mechanisms of LUCC and sustainableland use in Hexi Corridor(40101002), National Natural Scientific Foundation of China, 160,000RMB

2006 - 2010  Integrated ecological and food security riskgovernace (2006BAD20B07), National Key Technology R&D Program of China, 4000,000RMB

2009 - 2011  Research on eco-security pattern based on landuse changes of Ordos in recent 30 years(40871048), National Natural ScientificFoundation of China, 440,000 RMB

2014 - 2017  Research on ecological adaptability of landuse under the constraints of water resources in the Middle Reaches of the HeiheRiver(41371097), National Natural Scientific Foundation of China, 800,000 RMB


Undergraduate courseIntegrated physical geography, 3 credit hours

Land Evaluation and Management, 2 credit hours

Graduate coursePrinciple of land sciences, 3 credit hours

Research Direction

Integrated physical geography

Land change science

Ecosystem management

Works outcomes


1. Meng J J. Research Methods inPhysical Geography[Chinese], Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2013

2. Meng J J. Integrated PhysicalGeography[Chinese], Peking University Press, Beijing, 2011

3. Meng J J. Land Evaluation andLand Management[Chinese], Chinese Science Press, Beijing, 2011

4. Wang Y L, Meng J J, Liu L M, etal. Integrated risk governace: Integrated ecological and foodsecurity[Chinese], Chinese Science Press, Beijing, 2011

5. Meng J J. Yan F. chapter ten“North-west District”, in Cai Y L editor. China’s geographical diversity andregional sustainable development[Chinese]. Chinese Science Press, Beijing, 2007

6. Long H L, Meng J J. Research onland resource optimize of development zone in China[Chinese]. Jilin people’sPress, Changchun, 2004


  1. Yunyun Xiang*, Jijun Meng*.Nanshan You, Peixiong Chen, and Hui Yang. Spatio-temporal Analysis of Anthropogenic Disturbances on Landscape Pattern of Tourist Destinations:a case study in the Li River Basin, China. Scientific Reports. (2019)  9:19285(https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-55532-w)

  2. Feng Li, Jijum Meng*, Likai Zhu. Spatial and temporal pattern of land degradation in the  Heihe River Basin of China using local net primary production scaling . land degradation & development. 2019, doi: 10.1002/ldr.3468

  3. Nanshan You, Jijun Meng*, Likai Zhu. Sensitivity and resilience of ecosystems to climate variability in the Heihe River Basin. Ecological Research.2017.12.26,DOI 10.1007/s11284-017-1543-3

  4. Likai Zhu, Jijun Meng*, Feng Li, Nanshan You. Predicting the shifts in spring onset and false springs in China during the 21st century. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2017.10.28, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-017-1456-4

  5. XIANG Yun-yun, MENG Ji-jun. The research of land ecological suitability zoning and expansion pattern in oasis based on landscape process: A case study in the middle reaches of the Heihe River, Environ Earth Sci. (2016) 75:1355

  6. FAN Jia-hui, WANG Ya, ZHOU Zhen, YOU Nan-shan, MENG Ji-jun*. Dynamic ecological risk assessment and management of land use in the middle reaches of the Heihe River based on landscape pattern and spatial statistic. Sustainability,2016.8(6):1-15

  7. JiJun MENG, YunYun XIANG*, Qun YAN, XiYan MAO, LiKai ZHU. Management of ecological risk in an agricultural-pastoral ecotone: case study of Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. Natural Hazards. 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1836-1

  8. Likai Zhu, Jane Southworth, Jijun Meng. Comparison of the driving factors of spring phenology among savanna landscapes by including combined spatial and temporal heterogeneity. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2015, 59:1373-1384

  9. ZHU Likai, MENG Jijun*. Determining the relative importance of climatic drivers on spring phenology in grassland ecosystems of semi-arid areas. International Journal of Biometeorology.2015, 59:237-248

  10. Xiyan Mao, Jijun Meng*, Qi Wang. Tourism and land transformation in tourist regions: case study of Li River Watershed, Guilin, China. Journal of Mountain Science. 2014,11(6):1606-1619

  11. Xiyan Mao, Jijun Meng*, Qi Wang. Modeling the impact of tourism and land regulation on land use change in tourist region: case study of Li River Basin, Guilin, China. Land Use Policy.41(2014):368-377

  12. Likai Zhu, Jijun Meng*, Mao Xiyan. Analyzing Land-use Change in Farming-pastoral Transitional Region Using Autologistic Model and Household Survey Approach, China. Chinese Geographical Science.2013,23(6):716-728

  13. Xiyan Mao, Jijun Meng*, Yunyun Xiang. CA-based Model for Developing Land Use Ecological Security Pattern in Semi-arid Areas: A Case Study of Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013, 70(1): 269-279

  14. Likai Zhu, Jijun Meng*. Study on Rainfall Variations in the Middle Part of Inner Mongolia,China during the Past 43 Years. Environmental Earth Sciences.2010,60:1661-1671(SCI)

  15. Jun Wang. Ji-Jun Meng*. Yun-Long Cai. Assessing vegetation dynamics impacted by climate change in the southwestern karst region of China with AVHRR NDVI and AVHRR NPP time-series, Environmental Geology, 2008, 54:1185-1195(SCI)

  16. Wang Jun, Meng Jijun. Analyzing characteristics and tendencies of runoff variations using wavelet analysis and wavelet neural network model: a case study of Hei River during 1944-2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2007,17(3):327-338(SCI)

  17. Meng Jijun, Wu Xiuqin, Li Zhengguo, Dai Erfu. Uncertainty Based on Driving Factors of LUCC in Zhangye Oasis of Hexi Corridor in China. Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality’2003, Hong Kong, 522-533(EI)

  18. MENG Jijun, WU Xiuqin, LI Zhenguo. Landuse/landcover Changes in Zhangye oasis of Hexi Corridor, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13(1):71-75

  19. Cai Yunlong, Long hualou and Meng Jijun. Ecological reconstruction of degraded land :A social approach, In J.T. Pierce et al.(eds),Reshaping of Ecologies, Economies and Communities, Simon  Fraser University Press, Vancouver, 2000,93-108

  20. Meng Jijun, Zhang Jianlin, Analysis on stractur and function of Argro-eco-economic system: the case study of Zhangye Oasis,Chinese Journal of arid land research, 1999, 12(3): 225-233

  21. Meng Jijun, Long Hualou. The key factor of oasis ecological balance: water resources: case study of Zhangye Oasis, Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research, 1998, 11(3): 255-262

  22. Meng Jijun, Liu jiaming. Assessment of oasis sustainability:the case study of Zhangye Oasis, Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research,1998, 11(3): 187-195