Biao Zhu

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Biao Zhu


Research Direction:

Department:Department of Ecology

Date of Birth: June 29, 1981; Nationality: Chinese

Associate Professor

Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

E-mail: Phone: +86 18518480032


  • ·20052010, Ph.D. in Environmental Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA; Supervisor: Dr. Weixin Cheng

  • ·20022005, M.S. in Ecology, Peking University, China; Supervisor: Dr. Jingyun Fang

  • ·19982002, B.S. in Environmental Science, Peking University, China


  • ·2020present, Associate Professor (with tenure), Peking University, China

  • ·2014–2020, Assistant Professor, Peking University, China

  • ·20122014, Postdoc, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

  • ·20112012, Postdoc, Cornell University, USA

  • ·20102011, Postdoc, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA


  • ·2022, Advisor for Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation, Peking University

  • ·2020, Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists, Ecological Society of China

  • ·2020, Excellent Teacher for Undergraduate Students, Peking University

  • ·2018, Ng Teng Feng – Xinhe Distinguished Young Scholars, Peking University

  • ·2018, Second Prize of Teaching Competition by Young Teachers, Peking University

  • ·2016, Excellent Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China


  • ·2024–present, Senior Editor, Journal of Plant Ecology

  • ·2021–present, Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

  • ·2020–present, Associate Editor, Journal of Ecology

  • ·2020–present, Associate Chief Editor, Soil Biology & Biochemistry

  • ·2018present, Vice Director of Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, Peking University

  • ·20172019, Secretary of Asian Ecology Section, Ecological Society of America

  • ·2010-preent, reviewers for many journals (15-20 manuscripts per year), PNAS, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, Ecology Letters, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Geoderma, Plant and Soil, Biogeochemistry, Biogeosciences, etc.


  • ·Plant-soil interactions (particularly rhizosphere carbon and nutrient cycling)

  • ·Soil organic carbon dynamics in response to global change (warming, N deposition, etc.)

  • ·Nutrient regulation of ecosystem processes in terrestrial ecosystems


Main external grants from NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) as PI (Principal Investigator)

  1. ·2022-2025, Key processes of soil carbon cycling and mechanisms of their responses to climate warming, #42141006.

  2. ·2020–2023, Vulnerability of surface and subsurface soil organic carbon dynamics to warming and root inputs in an alpine meadow ecosystem: controls and mechanisms, #31971528.

  3. ·2017–2020, Rhizosphere priming effects of woody plants on soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization: dynamics and mechanisms, #31670525.

  4. ·2017–2019, Belowground ecology, #31622013.


Google Scholar:

5 recent papers (*, corresponding authors)

  1. ·Zhang QF, Qin WK, Feng JG, Li XJ, Zhang ZH, He JS, Schimel JP, Zhu B*. 2023. Whole-soil warming does not change microbial carbon use efficiency in surface and deep soils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120(32):e2302190120

  2. ·Yin R#, Qin WK#, Wang XD, Xie D, Wang H, Zhao HY, Zhang ZH, He JS, Schadler M, Kardol P, Eisenhauer N, Zhu B*. 2023. Experimental warming causes mismatches in alpine plant-microbe-fauna phenology. Nature Communications 14:2159 [# Equal contributions]

  3. ·Sun LJ, Tsujii Y, Xu TL, Han MG, Li R, Han YF, Gan DY, Zhu B*. 2023. Species of fast bulk-soil nutrient cycling have lower rhizosphere effects: A nutrient spectrum of rhizosphere effects. Ecology 104:e3981

  4. ·Feng JG, He KY, Zhang QF, Han MG, Zhu B*. 2022. Changes in plant inputs alter soil carbon and microbial communities in forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology 28:3426-3440

  5. ·Han MG, Chen Y, Li R, Yu M, Fu LC, Li SF, Su JR, Zhu B*. 2022. Root phosphatase activity aligns with the collaboration gradient of the root economics space. New Phytologist 234:837-849 [Highlighted with commentary by Yaffar et al. 2022, New Phytologist 234:773-775]